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Spleen Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Spleen Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine plays a major role in the creation of Qi & Blood. Your spleen creates 'acquired essence' which is nutrients extracted from your food to create your life force energy Qi as well as Blood. 

The spleen takes in nutrients sending  them upward to the heart & lungs where Qi and Blood are created. The stomach in TCM takes nutrients downward to continue the digestion process. Spleen issues have become commonplace especially in western society due to our lifestyle & food.

How does the spleen become impaired?


Your spleen can become weakened by excess raw/cold foods, chronic worry, rushing life, greasy/sweet foods, lack of movement. Basically, the standard American diet & lifestyle of fast food & 24/7 working.

Signs of an impaired spleen


-poor appetite

-bloating after meal

-sweet cravings

-bruise easily


-poor circulation

-swollen tongue w/teeth marks on sides

-pale/yellow complexion

How to Help


There is a lack of bitter in the western society because sweet tastes so good. As we know, excess sweet esp from high fructose syrups can sabotage the spleen.Bitter herbs are fantastic for your digestive health as they stimulate your taste buds to create more saliva & more digestive juices.You'll find most of the herbs used for gut health are actually bitter plants! Things like ginger, artichoke leaf, dandelion root, fennel, etc.

Try adding a cup of ginger tea or digestive bitters to your day

Warm Foods

Avoiding cold, raw foods (in excess) is one of the simplest ways to support the spleen & overall digestion. Cold weighs & slows down the spleen because it needs to bring it back up to a warmer temp.The Spleen is also an Earth element so when the cold is too much you'll get sluggish, stickiness. The key word here is *excess*. You can still eat cold, raw foods esp in summer or if dealing with heat imbalance. Just make sure you're not overdoing it or balancing it with a warming herb like ginger.

Focus on Meal Times

The environment & regularity of your meals are important to the spleen. Eating with distractions (tv, phone, etc),  in a rush, discussing serious matters, etc can all impact the spleen function. Thismay inhibit the passage of food through the body. The spleen loves regularity & moderation. Try not to overindulge at every meal as this will burden the spleen & not give it enough time to process. Eating at irregular times everyday can also inhibit spleen.

Nervous System

Spleen is the organ of worry, anxiety, and mistrust.The nervous system plays a significant role in the health of the spleen. When you are always rushing, worrying, or overworking yourself, this will directly impair the spleen.Since the spleen is an Earth element,  it is important to feel grounded.Finding a stable routine, working through emotional issues, and finding some sort of peace in your day can help strengthen the spleen.

Remember, there are many forms of spleen imbalances! These are just general tips to help out the health of your spleen.

Many Blessings,


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